The sun is low on the horizon in outback Australia. As the cold starts to bite you notice a faint smell of wood fire lingering in the air and a flickering flame can be seen in the distance.
Seeking shelter you make your way towards the light where you come upon an old, rusty, tin house. The sounds of a sobbing child emanate. You decide you must help and look for a way in.
Be careful though, the decision you’ve made may be your last!
Duration: 60 minutes
Success rate: 50%
Recommended players: 2 to 6
kingdom besieged
Camelot Castle lay in disarray, battle has ensued within the kingdom walls. Having made a bargain with the Viking invaders the tyrannical King has fled the castle. Now leaderless and under siege, Camelot and its people are desperate for someone to seize command, unite the kingdom and repel the ruthless barbarians.
As the time draws nigh, will Excalibur remain set in stone or, will the kingdom be saved?
Duration: 60 minutes
Success rate: 50%
Recommended players: 2 to 6